Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function, division

import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import logging
import sys
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple

import bs4
import requests
import urlobject

Given a starting page link,
crawl pages (up to a specified depth).

Installation Requirements:

.. code:: bash

   pip install -r requirements.txt
   # pip install requests beautifulsoup4 urlobject networkx # nltk textblob

   python -c 'import nltk;"stopwords")'
   python -m textblob.download_corpora


# import networkx  # import in functions
# docs build lags on:
# "Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible."

    import nltk
    import textblob
except ImportError:
    nltk = None
    textblob = None

[docs] def get_unicode_stdout(stdout=None, errors="replace", **kwargs): """ Wrap stdout as a utf-8 unicode writer Args: stdout (filelike): ``sys.stdout`` errors (str): what to do with errors kwargs (dict): ``**kwargs`` Returns: filelike: output to ``.write()`` to """ import codecs stdout = stdout or sys.stdout return codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(stdout, errors=errors, **kwargs)
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: import io as StringIO import urllib.parse as urlparse unicode = str def itervalues(obj): return obj.values() def iteritems(obj): return obj.items() else: import StringIO # noqa: F401 import urlparse sys._stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = get_unicode_stdout(sys.stdout)
[docs] def itervalues(obj): return obj.itervalues()
[docs] def iteritems(obj): return obj.iteritems()
log = logging.getLogger() urllib3log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool") urllib3log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) Link = namedtuple( "Link", ("loc", "href", "name", "target", "text", "parent_id") ) Image = namedtuple("Image", ("loc", "src", "alt", "height", "width", "text"))
[docs] def extract_images(url, bs): """ Find ``<img>`` images in a given BeautifulSoup object Args: url (str): URL of the BeautifulSoup object bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Yields: Image: a :py:class:`Image` """ images = bs.findAll("img") for i in images: yield Image( url, i.get("src"), i.get("alt"), i.get("height"), i.get("width"), i.get("text"), )
CSS = namedtuple("CSS", ("loc", "src"))
[docs] def extract_css(url, bs): """ Find CSS ``<link>`` links in a given BeautifulSoup object Args: url (str): URL of the BeautifulSoup object bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Yields: CSS: a :py:class:`CSS` """ csses = bs.findAll("link", {"rel": "stylesheet"}) for c in csses: yield CSS(url, c.get("href"))
JS = namedtuple("JS", ("loc", "src"))
[docs] def extract_js(url, bs): """ Find JS ``<script>`` links in a given BeautifulSoup object Args: url (str): URL of the BeautifulSoup object bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Yields: JS: a :py:class:`JS` """ jses = bs.findAll("script") for j in jses: type_ = j.get("type") if type_ not in (None, "text/javascript"):"Strange script type: %r" % type_) continue yield JS(url, j.get("src"))
[docs] def tokenize(text): """ Tokenize the given text with textblob.tokenizers.word_tokenize Args: text (str): text to tokenize Returns: iterable: tokens """ return textblob.tokenizers.word_tokenize(text)
[docs] def get_stop_words(): """ Get english stop words from NLTK with a few modifications Returns: dict: dictionary of stop words """ global STOP_WORDS if STOP_WORDS is None: STOP_WORDS = dict.fromkeys(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english"), 1) STOP_WORDS.update({"pm": 1, "am": 1}) STOP_WORDS.pop("about") return STOP_WORDS
[docs] def get_text_from_bs(bs): """ Get text from a BeautifulSoup object Args: bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Returns: unicode: space-joined unicode string with newlines replaced by spaces """ return u" ".join(x.replace("\n", " ") for x in bs.strings)
[docs] def strip_script_styles_from_bs(bs): """ Strip ``<script>`` and ``<style>`` tags from a BeautifulSoup object Args: bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Returns: bs4.BeautifulSoup: BeautifulSoup object with tags removed """ # bs = bs.copy() for tag in ("script", "style"): for elem in bs.find_all(tag): elem.extract() return bs
[docs] def extract_words_from_bs(bs): """ Get just the text from an HTML page Args: bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Returns: unicode: newline-joined unicode string """ body = bs.find("body") if not body: log.debug("No <body> tag found") return u"" body = strip_script_styles_from_bs(body) return get_text_from_bs(body)
KeywordFrequency = namedtuple("KeywordFrequency", ("url", "frequencies"))
[docs] def word_frequencies(url, keywords, stopwords=None): """ Get frequencies (counts) for a set of (non-stopword) keywords Args: url (str): URL from which keywords were derived keywords (iterable): iterable of keywords Returns: KeywordFrequency: :py:class:`KeywordFrequency` """ if stopwords is None: stopwords = get_stop_words() words = (x.lower() for x in keywords) return KeywordFrequency( url, Counter(w for w in words if len(w) > 1 and w not in stopwords) )
[docs] def extract_keywords(url, bs): """ Extract keyword frequencies from a given BeautifulSoup object Args: url (str): URL of the BeautifulSoup object bs (bs4.BeautifulSoup): BeautifulSoup object Returns: KeywordFrequency: :py:class:`KeywordFrequency` """ return word_frequencies(url, tokenize(extract_words_from_bs(bs)))
[docs] def current_datetime(): """ Get the current datetime in ISO format Returns: str: current datetime in ISO format """ return
CrawlRequest = namedtuple("CrawlRequest", ("src", "url", "datetime"))
[docs] class URLCrawlQueue(object): """ Queue of CrawlRequest URLs to crawl and their states """ NEW = 0 OUT = 1 DONE = 2 ERROR = 3 def __init__(self): """ Initialize new URLCrawlQueue Returns: URLCrawlQueue: new URLCrawlQueue """ self.already = OrderedDict() self.q = [] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over enqueued URLs to crawl Returns: iterable: Iterable of :py:class:`CrawlRequest` """ return self.q.__iter__()
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pop a CrawlRequest off the queue and mark it as ``URLCrawlQueue.OUT`` Returns: CrawlRequest: :py:class:`CrawlRequest` """ item = self.q.pop(0) self.already[item.url] = URLCrawlQueue.OUT return item
[docs] def push(self, item): """ Push a CrawlRequest onto the queue and mark it as ``URLCrawlQueue.NEW`` """ if item.url not in self.already: # one shot self.already[item.url] = URLCrawlQueue.NEW self.q.append(item)
# else: # log.debug("Skipping already enqueued: %s" % str(item))
[docs] def done(self, item): """ Mark a CrawlRequest as ``URLCrawlQueue.DONE`` """ self.already[item.url] = URLCrawlQueue.DONE
[docs] def error(self, item): """ Mark a CrawlRequest as ``URLCrawlQueue.ERROR`` """ self.already[item.url] = URLCrawlQueue.ERROR
[docs] def count(self): """ Get the count of ``URLCrawlQueue.NEW`` :py:class:`CrawlRequest` objects Returns: int: count of ``URLCrawlQueue.NEW`` :py:class:`CrawlRequest` objects """ return len(self.q)
[docs] class ResultStore(object): """ Result store interface """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize a new :py:class:`ResultStore` """ self.db = OrderedDict() def __contains__(self, k): """ Check whether the given key is in the :py:class:`ResultStore` Args: k (str): key Returns: bool: whether or not k is in ``self.db`` """ return k in self.db def __iter__(self): """ Get an iterable over the keys in ``self.db`` Returns: iterable: an iterable over the keys in ``self.db`` """ return self.db.__iter__() def __setitem__(self, k, v): """ Set a (key, value) pair in ``self.db`` Args: k (str): key v (str): value """ return self.db.__setitem__(k, v)
[docs] def itervalues(self): """ Get an iterable over the values in ``self.db`` Returns: iterable: an iterable over the values in ``self.db`` """ return itervalues(self.db)
values = itervalues
[docs] def strip_fragment(url): """ Strip the #fragment portion from a URI Args: url (str): URI to strip #fragment from Returns: str: stripped URI (``/`` if otherwise empty) """ url = urlobject.URLObject(url) _url = url.without_fragment() if not (unicode(_url)): return u"/" else: return unicode(_url)
[docs] def same_netloc(url1, url2): """ Check whether two URIs have the same netloc Args: url1 (str): first URI url2 (str): second URI Returns: bool: True if both URIs have the same netloc """ _url1 = urlparse.urlsplit(url1) _url2 = urlparse.urlsplit(url2) return _url1.netloc == _url2.netloc
[docs] def crawl_url(start_url, output=sys.stdout): """ Crawl pages starting at ``start_url`` Args: start_url (str): URL to start crawling from output (filelike): file to ``.write()`` output to Returns: ResultStore: :py:class:`ResultStore` of (URL, crawl_status_dict) pairs """ queue = URLCrawlQueue() queue.push(CrawlRequest(start_url, start_url, current_datetime())) crawled = ResultStore() headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.100 Safari/537.36", # noqa: E501 } while queue.count(): # TODO crawl_req = queue.pop() url = crawl_req.url"Fetching URL: %s" % str(crawl_req)) crawl_status = { "crawl_req": crawl_req, } try: resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) except Exception as e:"Crawl ERROR: %r (%r)" % (crawl_req, str(e))) queue.error(crawl_req) crawl_status.update({"status": "ERROR", "error": str(e)}) crawled[url] = crawl_status continue crawl_status.update( { "status_date": current_datetime(), "status_code": resp.status_code, "status_reason": resp.reason, } ) if resp.status_code != 200: crawled[url] = crawl_status continue bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content, features="html.parser") _links = extract_links(url, bs) _links = list(_links) for link in _links: _link = strip_fragment(expand_link(url, link.href)) if same_netloc(_link, start_url): queue.push(CrawlRequest(url, _link, current_datetime())) # else: # log.debug("Skipping %r" % _link) _images = extract_images(url, bs) _css = extract_css(url, bs) _js = extract_js(url, bs) _keywords = extract_keywords(url, bs) crawl_status.update( { "links": _links, "images": _images, "css": _css, "js": _js, "keywords": _keywords, } ) crawled[url] = crawl_status queue.done(crawl_req) return crawled
[docs] def sum_counters(iterable): """ Sum the counts of an iterable Args: iterable (iterable): iterable of collections.Counter dicts Returns: defaultdict: dict of (key, count) pairs """ totals = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for counts in iterable: for key, value in iteritems(counts): totals[key] += value return totals
[docs] def frequency_table(counterdict, sort_by="count"): """ Calculate and sort a frequency table from a collections.Counter dict Args: counterdict (dict): a collections.Counter dict of (key, count) pairs sort_by (str): either ``count`` or ``name`` Yields: tuple: (%, count, key) """ total = float(sum(itervalues(counterdict))) keyfunc = lambda x: x # noqa: E731 reverse = None if sort_by == "count": keyfunc = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]) # noqa: E731 reverse = True elif sort_by == "name": keyfunc = lambda x: (x[0], x[1]) # noqa: E731 reverse = False keyword_counts = sorted( iteritems(counterdict), key=keyfunc, reverse=reverse ) for word, count in keyword_counts: pct = count / total _tuple = (pct, count, word) yield _tuple
[docs] def to_a_search_engine(url): """ Get a list of words (e.g. as a classic search engine) Args: url (str): URL to ``HTTP GET`` with ``requests.get`` Returns: iterable: iterable of tokens """ content = requests.get(url).content bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content) bs = strip_script_styles_from_bs(bs) lines = (x.strip() for x in bs.strings if x.strip()) return ( x.strip() for x in itertools.chain(*(x.split("\n") for x in lines)) )
[docs] def build_networkx_graph(url, links, label=None): """ Build a networkx.DiGraph from an iterable of links from a given URL Args: url (str): URL from which the given links are derived links (iterable): iterable of :py:class:`Link` objects label (str): label/title for graph Returns: networkx.DiGraph: directed graph of links """ import cgi def escape(var): return '"%s"' % cgi.escape(var, quote=True) label = label or url import networkx g = networkx.DiGraph(label=label, ratio="compress") for link in links: a = escape(link.loc) a_url = expand_link(url, link.loc) b = escape(link.href) b_url = expand_link(url, link.href) if same_netloc(a_url, b_url): _url = strip_fragment(link.href) b = escape(_url) b_url = expand_link(url, _url) g.add_node(a, URL=a_url) g.add_node(b, URL=b_url) g.add_edge(a, b, label=link.text) return g
[docs] def write_nxgraph_to_dot(g, output): """ Write a networkx graph as DOT to the specified output Args: g (networkx.Graph): graph to write as DOT output (filelike): output to write to """ import networkx return networkx.drawing.nx_pydot.write_dot(g, output)
[docs] def write_nxgraph_to_json(g, output): """ Write a networkx graph as JSON to the specified output Args: g (networkx.Graph): graph to write as JSON output (filelike): output to write to """ import json from networkx.readwrite import json_graph jsond = json_graph.node_link_data(g) return json.dump(jsond, output)
[docs] def wrdcrawler(url, output=sys.stdout): """ Fetch and generate a report from the given URL Args: url (str): URL to fetch output (filelike): output to ``print()`` to Returns: filelike: output """ write = functools.partial(print, file=output) crawled = crawl_url(url) keywords = (page.get("keywords") for page in itervalues(crawled)) word_frequencies = sum_counters(k.frequencies for k in keywords if k) write("Crawled pages") write("=============") write("") for crawled_url in crawled: write(u" * %s" % crawled_url) write("\n") if 0: links = (page.get("links") for page in itervalues(crawled)) links = (l for l in links if l) write("Page Graph") write("==========") g = build_networkx_graph(url, links, label=url, output=output) write_nxgraph_to_dot(g, output) write("\n") write("To a search engine") write("==================") write("::\n") for line in to_a_search_engine(url): write(u" %s" % line) write("\n") write("Word Frequencies by count") write("=========================") write("::\n") print_frequency_table( frequency_table(word_frequencies, sort_by="count"), output=output ) write("\n") write("Word Frequencies by name") write("========================") write("::\n") print_frequency_table( frequency_table(word_frequencies, sort_by="name"), output=output ) write("\n") return output
[docs] def main(*args): """ :py:mod:`` main method: parse arguments and run commands Args: args (list): list of commandline arguments Returns: int: nonzero returncode on error """ import logging import optparse import sys prs = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog [-c|-H|-s|-l] <http://url>", description="Recursively crawl and parse a page or set of pages", ) prs.add_option( "-c", "--crawl", dest="crawl", action="store_true", help=( "Crawl from the specified URL" " and write a few reports to stdout" ), ) prs.add_option( "-H", "--html", dest="html", action="store_true", help=("Print the raw HTML of the specified URL"), ) prs.add_option( "-s", "--text", dest="text", action="store_true", help=("Parse the text out of the specified URL"), ) prs.add_option( "-l", "--links", # TODO dest="links", action="store_true", help=("Extract links from the specified URL"), ) prs.add_option( "-d", "--dotgraph", dest="dotgraph", action="store_true", help=( "Draw DOT graph from links within the page at " "the specified URL" ), ) prs.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", ) prs.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", ) prs.add_option( "-t", "--test", dest="run_tests", action="store_true", ) args = args and list(args) or sys.argv[1:] (opts, args) = prs.parse_args() if not opts.quiet: logging.basicConfig() if opts.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) get_stop_words() if opts.run_tests: sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + args import unittest sys.exit(unittest.main()) if not any((opts.crawl, opts.html, opts.text, opts.links, opts.dotgraph)): prs.print_help() sys.exit(1) if len(args) != 1: prs.print_help() raise Exception("Must specify a URL") url = args[0] if opts.crawl: print(wrdcrawler(url)) sys.exit(0) resp = requests.get(url) bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content) if opts.html: sys._stdout.write(resp.content) if opts.text: for line in to_a_search_engine(url): print(line) if opts.links: for link in extract_links(url, bs): print(link) if opts.dotgraph: # TODO # build_dot_graph(url, [extract_links(url, bs), ], label=url) pass
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())