.. index:: Units .. _units: ******** Units ******** | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Units_of_measurement | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_measurement .. index:: Mass noun .. _mass noun: Mass noun *********** | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_noun * e.g. :ref:`knowledge ` is a mass noun. .. index:: RDF and Units .. _rdf and units: RDF and Units ************** Units of measurement can be expressed with :ref:`RDF`, :ref:`RDFS`, and :ref:`OWL`. * :ref:`QUDT` defines :ref:`SI Units` and :ref:`Imperial Units` with :ref:`RDF` and :ref:`OWL`. .. index:: CSVW and Units .. _csvw and units: CSVW and Units ++++++++++++++++ See: :ref:`CSVW`, :ref:`Tool Support for Units` .. index:: Tool Support for Units .. _tool support for units: Tool Support for Units *************************** Spreadsheet tools: * Specify units in each column heading (e.g. ``"time [[s]]","speed [[m/s]]"``) * Extra column per column for units (e.g. ``"time","time unit","speed","speed unit"``) * :ref:`CSVW`: Columns have URIs, which are objects that can have subjects and predicates (for :ref:`XSD` types; metadata (author, date, ``rdfs:label "time"@en"``), and possibly units of measure) Unit and/or precision-aware calculations: * pypi:pint is a :ref:`Python` library for physical quantities which supports but does not require `NumPy`. | PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pint | Src: https://github.com/hgrecco/pint | Docs: https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Storage formats: * [ ] Spreadsheet formats do not have unit of measure support. * :ref:`CSV` does not have unit of measure support. * :ref:`JSON` does not have unit of measure support. * :ref:`RDF` vocabularies support units of measure: * :ref:`CSVW` supports units of measure. * :ref:`JSON-LD` supports units of measure. .. index:: Binary Prefixes .. _binary prefixes: Binary Prefixes ****************** .. table:: Table of Binary Prefixes (adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix) :class: table-striped table-responsive +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | **Text** | **Symbol** | **Scalar (base 10)** | **Scalar (base 1000)** | **Scalar (base 1e1)** | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | kilo | k | 1000 | 1000**1 | 1e3 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | mega | M | 1000000 | 1000**2 | 1e6 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | giga | G | 1000000000 | 1000**3 | 1e9 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | tera | T | 1000000000000 | 1000**4 | 1e12 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | peta | P | 1000000000000000 | 1000**5 | 1e15 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | exa | E | 1000000000000000000 | 1000**6 | 1e18 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | zetta | Z | 1000000000000000000000 | 1000**7 | 1e21 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ | yotta | Y | 1000000000000000000000000 | 1000**8 | 1e24 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------+ See also: :ref:`SI Prefixes` .. index:: Metric System .. _metric system: Metric System ************* | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_system | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_the_metric_system .. index:: SI Units .. _si units: SI Units ++++++++++ | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_base_unit | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit SI Units (*International System of Units*) are the standard units of measurement for almost every country on Earth. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit#Derived_units_with_special_names * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit#Examples_of_derived_quantities_and_units * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-SI_units_mentioned_in_the_SI * :ref:`US Customary Units` do not yet specify :ref:`SI Units` because the USA has not yet converted to the :ref:`Metric system`. .. index:: SI Base Units .. _si base units: SI Base Units ++++++++++++++++ | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units#Base_units * :ref:`metre` * :ref:`kilogram` * :ref:`second` * :ref:`ampere` * :ref:`kelvin` * :ref:`mole` * :ref:`candela` .. index:: SI Prefixes .. index:: Metric Prefixes .. _si prefixes: SI Prefixes +++++++++++++++++ | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix .. table:: Table of SI Prefixes (adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Common_metric_prefixes and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix) :class: table-striped table-responsive +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | **Text** | **Symbol** | **Scaling Factor** | **Scaling Factor (e)** | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | pico | p | 0.000000000001 | 1e-12 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | nano | n | 0.000000001 | 1e-9 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | micro | μ | 0.000001 | 1e-6 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | milli | m | 0.001 | 1e-3 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | centi | c | 0.01 | 1e-2 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | deci | d | 0.1 | 1e-1 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | (none) | (none) | 1 | 1e0 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | deca | da | 10 | 1e1 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | hecto | h | 100 | 1e2 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | kilo | k | 1000 | 1e3 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | mega | M | 1000000 | 1e6 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | giga | G | 1000000000 | 1e9 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | tera | T | 1000000000000 | 1e12 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | peta | P | 1000000000000000 | 1e15 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | exa | E | 1000000000000000000 | 1e18 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | zetta | Z | 1000000000000000000000 | 1e21 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | yotta | Y | 1000000000000000000000000 | 1e24 | +----------+------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ See also: :ref:`Binary Prefixes` .. index:: SI Distance Units .. _si distance units: SI Distance Units ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: SI Meter .. index:: Meter .. index:: Metre .. _metre: metre ```````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metre | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meter | Abbr: ``m`` The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second .. index:: SI Volume Units .. _si fluid units: SI Volume Units ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: SI Litre .. index:: Liter .. index:: Litre .. _litre: litre `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre | Abbr: ``L`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`litre` == ``10e−3 m**3`` (:ref:`metres ` cubed) * Conversion: 1 :ref:`litre` == 0.2641720523 US :ref:`gallon` .. index:: SI Mass Units .. _si mass units: SI Mass Units ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: SI Kilogram .. index:: Kilogram .. _kilogram: kilogram ``````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram * A :ref:`kilogram` is the mass of TODO * :ref:`gram` is defined in terms of a :ref:`kilogram` .. index:: SI Gram .. index:: Gram .. _g: ====== gram ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram | Abbr: ``g`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`g` == 1/28 :ref:`oz` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`g` == 1/1000 kilo- :ref:`gram` .. index:: SI Time Units .. _si time units: SI Time Units ++++++++++++++++ .. index:: SI Second .. index:: Second .. _second: second ```````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second #TODO | Abbr: ``sec`` | Abbr: ``s`` .. index:: Microsecond .. _microsecond: ============= microsecond ============= | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsecond #TODO | Abbr: TODO * Conversion: 1 :ref:`microsecond` == 1/100000 TODO of a :ref:`second` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`microsecond` == 1e-1000 TODO :ref:`seconds ` .. index:: Millisecond .. _millisecond: ============= millisecond ============= | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millisecond #TODO | Abbr: ``ms`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`millisecond` == 1/1000 of a :ref:`second` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`millisecond` == 1e-3 :ref:`seconds ` .. index:: SI Minute .. index:: Minute .. _minute: ======== minute ======== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute | Abbr: ``min`` | Abbr: ``m`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`minute` == 60 :ref:`seconds ` .. index:: Hour .. _hour: ====== hour ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hour | Abbr: ``hr`` | Abbr: ``hrs`` | Abbr: ``h`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`hour` == 60 :ref:`minutes ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`hour` == 3600 :ref:`seconds ` .. index:: Day .. _day: ===== day ===== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day | Abbr: ``d`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`day` == 24 :ref:`hours ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`day` == 1440 :ref:`minutes ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`day` == 86400 :ref:`seconds ` * Rotational definition: 1 :ref:`day` == one complete planetary rotation .. index:: Week .. _week: ====== week ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week | Abbr: ``wk`` | Abbr: ``wks`` | Abbr: ``w`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`week` == 7 :ref:`days ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`week` == 168 :ref:`hours ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`week` == 10080 :ref:`minutes ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`week` == 604800 :ref:`seconds ` .. index:: month .. _month: ======= month ======= | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Month | Abbr: ``mon`` | Abbr: ``mons`` | Abbr: ``m`` * A month contains either 28 (Feb; 29 on a leap year), 30, or 31 :ref:`days `. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_days_hath_September * Two hands of knuckles with peaks and valleys together: * start with an outside knuckle * up (peak; knuckle) -- 31 days * down (peak; knuckle) -- 30 day (except for February, which has 28/29) .. index:: year .. _year: ====== year ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year | Abbr: ``yr`` | Abbr: ``yrs`` | Abbr: ``y`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`year` == 365.25 :ref:`days ` (*1 leap day*/4.0) * Conversion: 1 :ref:`year` == 365 :ref:`days ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`year` == 8760 :ref:`hours ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`year` == 525600 :ref:`minutes ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`year` == 31536000 :ref:`seconds ` * Rotational definition: 1 :ref:`year` == 1 complete revolution around our singular planetary star: *the sun*. .. index:: SI Frequency Units .. _si frequency units: SI Frequency Units ++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Hertz .. index:: Hz .. _hz: hertz `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertz | Abbr: ``Hz`` * TODO: cycles per time * TODO: em.py .. index:: SI Electric Current Units .. _si electric current units: SI Electric Current Units ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Ampere .. index:: Amps .. _ampere: ampere ```````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampere | Abbr: ``A`` # TODO | Abbr: ``amp`` # TODO .. index:: Volt .. _volt: volt ````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt | Abbr: ``V`` # TODO # TODO frequency / current relation .. index:: SI Power Units .. _si power units: SI Power Units ++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Joule .. _joule: joule ``````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule .. index:: Watt .. _watt: watt `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watt .. index:: SI Temperature Units .. _si temperature units: SI Temperature Units +++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Celsius .. _celsius: celsius ````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius | Abbr: ``C`` * Water (H2O) freezes at 0 degrees :ref:`celsius`. * Water (H20) boils at 100 degrees :ref:`celsius`. * [ ] celsius / :ref:`kelvin` relation .. index:: Kelvin .. _kelvin: kelvin ```````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin | Abbr: ``K`` .. index:: SI Amount Units .. _si amount units: SI Amount Units +++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Mole .. _mole: mole ````` | Wikipedia: ``__ | Abbr: ``mol`` .. index:: SI Luminous Intensity Units .. _si luminous intensity units: SI Luminous Intensity Units +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Candela .. _candela: candela ````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela | Abbr: ``cd`` .. index:: SI Data Units .. _si data units: SI Data Units ++++++++++++++++ .. index:: SI Bit .. index:: Bit .. _bit: bit ````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit | Abbr: ``b`` A bit can be ``1`` or ``0``. * A bit may indicate *set containment* (e.g. ``True`` or ``False``, ``Black`` or ``White``) [:ref:`set-theory`] * A bit may be part of an ordered set of bits which ascribe left-to-right (*little endian*) or right-to-left (*big endian*) place values to each binary digit: :: 1 2 4 8 # little endian 0 1 0 1 # == 0 + 2 + 0 + 8 == 9 (base 10) 8 4 2 1 # big endian 0 1 0 1 # == 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 == 5 (base 10) * See also: :ref:`information theory` > Shannon bit (*Shannon entropy*) .. index:: SI Byte .. index:: Byte .. _byte: byte `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte | Abbr: ``B`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`byte` == 8 :ref:`bits ` * Storage vendors use *powers of ten* (e.g. MB, GB, TB) to describe storage capacity; and also binary prefixes (kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, zetta). * Many/most software programs use *powers of two* and binary prefixes (e.g. MiB, GiB, TiB) to describe e.g. partition and file sizes. * On-disk file sizes are often larger than the file content because of file allocation tables, redundancy, block size and allocation; but may be smaller after compression/deduplication. .. table:: Table of Bytes and Binary Prefixes :class: table-striped table-responsive +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | unit | derivation | value | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | nibble | 2**2 bits | 4 bits | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | byte | 2**3 bits | 8 bits | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | octet | 2**3 bits | 8 bits | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | word size | :ref:`CPU` | 8+, 16, 24, 32, 64 bits | | | | | | | register | | | | width | 32 bits (:ref:`x86`, :ref:`ARM`) | | | | | | | (in bits) | 64 bits (:ref:`x86_64`, :ref:`ARM` 64) | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | kibibyte (KiB) | 2**10 bytes | 1024 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**1 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | kiloyte (KB) | 1e3 bytes | 1000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**1 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | mebibyte (MiB) | 2**20 bytes | 1048576 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**2 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | megabyte (MB) | 1e6 bytes | 1000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**2 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | gibibyte (GiB) | 2**30 bytes | 1073741824 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**3 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | gigabyte (GB) | 1e9 bytes | 1000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**3 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | tebibyte (TiB) | 2**40 bytes | 1099511627776 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**4 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | terabyte (TB) | 1e12 bytes | 1000000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**4 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | pebibyte (PiB) | 2**50 bytes | 1125899906842624 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**5 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | petabyte (PB) | 1e15 bytes | 1000000000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**5 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | exbibyte (EiB) | 2**60 bytes | 1152921504606846976 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**6 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | exabyte (EB) | 1e18 bytes | 1000000000000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**6 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | zebibyte (ZiB) | 2**70 bytes | 1180591620717411303424 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**7 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | zettabyte (ZB) | 1e21 bytes | 1000000000000000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**7 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | yobibyte (YiB) | 2**80 bytes | 1208925819614629174706176 bytes | | | | | | | 1024**8 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ | yottabyte (YB) | 1e21 bytes | 1000000000000000000000000 bytes | | | | | | | 1000**8 bytes | | +----------------+---------------+----------------------------------------+ .. index:: Imperial Units .. _imperial units: Imperial units **************** | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_units | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_units Imperial units may refer to either *English units* (ended in 1824) or :ref:`US customary units` (e.g. gram, ounce, gallon, pound, foot, mile). * The UK (*United Kingdom*) (of which England is a part) now specifies the :ref:`Metric system` of :ref:`SI units`. * The USA (*United States of America*) :ref:`US customary units` still include many :ref:`imperial units`; though :ref:`science` disciplines outside of food, transportation, and weather do now specify the :ref:`Metric system` of :ref:`SI units`. .. index:: Imperial Distance Units .. _imperial distance units: Imperial Distance Units +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Inch .. _inch: inch ````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inch | Abbr: ``in`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`inch` ~== 2.54 `cm` (centi- :ref:`meters `) .. index:: Foot .. _foot: ===== foot ===== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot | Abbr: ``ft`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`foot` == 12 :ref:`inches ` .. index:: Yard .. _yard: ====== yard ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot | Abbr: ``yd`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`yard` == 3 :ref:`feet ` .. index:: Mile .. _mile: ====== mile ====== | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile | Abbr: ``mi`` | Abbr: ``m`` * Conversion 1 :ref:`mile` == 1760 :ref:`yards ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`mile` == 5280 :ref:`feet ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`mile` == 63360 :ref:`inches ` .. index:: Imperial Volume Units .. _imperial volume units: Imperial Volume Units ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: teaspoon .. _teaspoon: teaspoon `````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaspoon | Abbr: ``t`` | Abbr: ``tsp.`` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`teaspoon` == 1/3 of a US :ref:`tablespoon` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`teaspoon` == 1/6 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`teaspoon` == 1 1/3 US :ref:`drams ` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`teaspoon` == 4.92892159375 mL (milli- :ref:`Litres `) .. index:: dram .. _dram: dram `````` | Wikipedia: ``__ * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`dram` == 1/8 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`dram` == 3/4 US :ref:`teaspoon` .. index:: tablespoon .. _tablespoon: tablespoon `````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablespoon | Abbr: ``T`` | Abbr: ``Tbsp.`` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`tablespoon` == 1/6 US :ref:`fl oz` .. index:: cup .. _cup: cup ```` | Wikipedia: ``__ | Abbr: ``c`` * Metric cup: ``__ * US customary cup: ``__ * US legal cup (*serving size*): ``__ * UK cup: ``__ * Ja cup: ``__ * Gō cup: ``__ * Conversion: 1 US customary :ref:`cup` == 8 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 US legal :ref:`cup` == 8.12 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 Metric :ref:`cup` == 8.45 US :ref:`fl oz` .. index:: Fluid Ounce .. _fl oz: fluid ounce ``````````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluid_ounce | Abbr: ``fl oz`` | Abbr: ``oz`` * Serving size: 1 US can of e.g. soda == 12 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`fl oz` == 29.573 mL .. index:: Pint .. _pint: pint `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pint | Abbr: ``pt`` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`pint` == 16 US :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 Imperial :ref:`pint` == 1.2009499255 US :ref:`pints ` * Conversion: 1 US :ref:`pint` = 0.85936700738 Imperial :ref:`pints ` .. index:: Quart .. _quart: quart ``````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quart | Abbr: ``qt`` * Conversion: 1 US liquid :ref:`quart` == 32 :ref:`fl oz` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`quart` == 4 :ref:`cups ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`quart` == 2 :ref:`pints ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`quart` == 1/4 :ref:`gallon` * Conversion: 1 US liquid quart == 0.946352946 :ref:`litres ` .. index:: Gallon .. _gallon: gallon ``````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallon | Abbr: ``gal`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`gallon` == 128 :ref:`oz ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`gallon` == 8 :ref:`pints ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`gallon` == 3.78541 :ref:`litres ` .. index:: Keg .. _keg: keg ````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keg * Conversion: 1 :ref:`keg` == 124 US :ref:`pints ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`keg` == 1984 US :ref:`fl oz` .. index:: Imperial Mass Units .. _imperial mass units: Imperial Mass Units ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. index:: Gram .. _gram: gram `````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram | Abbr: ``g`` .. index:: Ounce .. _oz: ounce ``````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ounce | Abbr: ``oz`` .. index:: Pound .. _lb: pound ``````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound | Abbr: ``lb`` | Abbr: ``lbm`` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`lb` == 16 :ref:`ounces (oz) ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`lb` == 448 :ref:`grams (g) ` * Conversion: 1 :ref:`lb` == 0.45359237 kg (kilo- :ref:`grams `) .. index:: Ton .. _ton: ton ````` | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton * Conversion: 1 :ref:`ton` == 2000 :ref:`pounds ` * Conversion: 1 kilo- :ref:`ton` == 1000 :ref:`tons ` * Colloqial: *half ton truck* refers to a minimum towing or hauling capacity; not the curb weight of a vehicle. * Conversion: 1 *tonne* (*metric ton*) == 1000 kg == 2204 :ref:`lb` * Conversion: 1 *long ton* == 2240 :ref:`lb` * Conversion: 1 *short ton* == 2000 :ref:`lb` .. index:: US customary units .. _us customary units: US customary units ******************** | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_customary_units Common US Fluid Conversions: * Fluid serving size: 8 :ref:`fl oz` * 1 :ref:`pint` = 16 :ref:`fl oz` * 1 :ref:`gallon` = 128 :ref:`fl oz` * 1 :ref:`keg` = 124 US :ref:`pints ` .. index:: Industry Units .. _industry units: Industry Units ***************** Freight ++++++++ * US: :ref:`lb`, :ref:`ton`, cubic :ref:`inches `, :ref:`mile`, :ref:`second` * World: :ref:`g`, cubic :ref:`metres ` (:ref:`litre`), :ref:`metre`, :ref:`second` Fuel +++++ * US: :ref:`gallon` * World: :ref:`litre`