wrdrd ======= A Python package with a collection of scripts for web consulting. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the command line:: pip install -e git+https://github.com/wrdrd/docs#egg=wrdrd Usage ~~~~~~~~ :py:mod:`wrdrd.tools` contains a number of command line utilities. .. contents:: :local: domaintool ~~~~~~~~~~~ :: # Retrieve DNS and Whois information for a domain domaintool wrdrd.github.io # Print usage domaintool --help crawl ~~~~~~ :: # Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt # Download NLTK libraries python -m nltk.downloader all # Crawl a website crawl -c http://wrdrd.github.io/ # Print HTML to stdout crawl --html http://wrdrd.github.io/ # Print text to stdout crawl --text http://wrdrd.github.io/ # Print usage crawl --help stripsinglehtml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: # Strip Sphinx (single) HTML markup stripsinglehtml ./_build/singlehtml/index.html > __index.html # Print usage stripsinglehtml --help